
Karen’s Direct Pay services…

Contact Karen directly at Karen@KarenFrancesHair.com or call 650-274-6508
* Charge Cards Processing is available. However, Karen Frances also offers a 10% reduction of your total services with cash or check payments.
* Karen's 24 Hours Cancellation Policy honors BOTH client and stylist. The Consideration Fee for canceling an appointment with less than 24 hours notice, equals half the service missed, up to $100. If a client is unable to attend their appointment and the client or Karen Frances is able to fill the client's appointment with another person, there is no fee due. If the Karen needs to cancel an appointment with less then 24-hours notice and another stylist is able to accommodate the needs of that client, there is no cancellation fee due to the client. If Karen OR the Client is more then 20 minutes late and Karen or the Client is unable to continue with booking due to the tardiness, the Consideration fee will apply. This fee can be paid any time before the next appointment OR will be applied to next service tag.

Email Karen with your preferred appointment details:


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